Saturday, May 16, 2009

When Is It Safe To Conceive After Taking Avloclor mother, mother and my mother preferred single mother

Good night I am also a father my son's name is Akur, my name is Ruka, I am now divorced and my ex-wife took me to great, we love friends, so we are not full in love and marriage .

caught at first and build our dream comĂșny climb a mountain, our dream is lost along the way because each without knowing has changed his path in life and when we got up one saw a thing and another another, we talked and we told the truth, the truth that tears you apart first and then heals you, but I hope in future to HTMLXC Now there are two different mountains, with their fauna, animals, colors, temperatures and other things, actually lives, but in between the two is a valley that is Akur, and we want everything that falls in the middle is really good for him.

actually know that the earth is round, but to me that I do not care what it is that Anne and I are bound to the same land that rocks the dream of our baby Akur.

was fired for what I love and love in its report of sleep, our summit is Akur happiness, he wants the truth, is written in their genes, our dream, to see that love makes us happy and that makes you happy fellow, to stop and think and I'm happy to say fuck because it will be happy in himself and we will be happy in life because we love life even more.

She told me not want to lose the memory of the

best years of my life with you, so mutual in my power to be happy and respond to everything, hear me, God is my best friend and what I love after Akur, and I know how to paint on the wall of the house, SER Mand, but I have more than anyone, my perfect friend, my friend because it gives me the freedom to be free and thus take responsibility for my actions and respond well to make my actions and noble as I always said I'd be , being the real me what I dreamed and was in and out did not know how to be more pure before Akur.

The earth itself is Akur attached at the end, she is balanced in real life, I am balance in the world of the real self, but not mine but Akur to have, because I hear from my site on a bench, listen to your self and see where the eye loses and she can get on and look, their faithe, o, and I think this time if I tell if I believe, as it did when I smile for the first time with the soul.

may want more in life to all people, animals and things, but only to them, I love them and love them, so I am happy because I also want your happiness. Not mine, because mine is actually that their happiness.

my Mother that I'm giving plate I from all this started to be my self and mutate into me, do not change, just mute.


Vivet So to be more happy and more happy to do what you love, not bad, but fear often makes us step back and not see what good it is if exceeded, show teeth and begins to mutate will not change your self of truth, we like to know that being happy is simple, simple but not simple if it is simply to take what you like and remove the rest, you like as you love and love to the rest who love truth.

Good night, talk to me no more fixed ajjajaa, hope so, to see what you think what you leave esc


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