Friday, May 8, 2009

How To Remove Cover From Samsung Glyde orejasdepollo @ 2009-05-08T14: 47:00

                                                                                Another gave ; to more, other days more, that day after day we play on a calendar day, and sometimes runs around so much ... do not let us know if we look at the past or look front.

When traveling atrásy choose to look to see how things seem to slow down, disappearing into the distance?

"Instead of looking as they come to prefer the same speed, but only those you set in your mind when you are really close?

When not view or forward or back ; is your time, your time to look sideways at one point and stare, evenspeed of arrival to departure.

I like to sit with your toes pointing back, side to the body, led to my time and my neck twisted a bit to get what is coming, so more comfortable to sleep and dream, look atrásy see things that are gradually filling the vacuum that is behind us, the body feel our time, half of cold arrives and heat half off.

Traveling from place to place, travelclash within one, go and watch. that neither the world nor my world stop. Just stop to assemble and disassemble brains.

Pastel Painting a picture through the windows of a train, the rattle so much like a mother's heart with a life inside, metal on stone, wood under your weight, rigid flexible ways of meaning and direction change, some sly joke on the tracks rn supported form of currency to see how deformed shape its shape and loses his face and his cross.


Let your body at the mercy of that feeling of looking forward and not go, reading a good book and hear a good song, draw the joy of spending the screen much it costs, to hear the rest going in the same car, and the cry that comes when you pull the tank, as all the air you try to run like a huge fart and grunt .

People collect other people and fired by hand, and kisses so different from everyone.



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