Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lab 5 Cell Respiration Answers The tomb: July. Begin to be. Chapter I

that make and spend 2 days parked on the street, waiting, waiting is not bad, it helps me to carve my ideas on shelves.

Sitting on a nice plate of pasta, a can of tuna and a boiled egg, mix it up and paint it red with tomatoes, remove the paper and start writing:

& nbLXC The sound of a laptop to return to light your screen activity sounds now and think it's time you take a re-look out the window and see that now only a little spark, perhaps after can be good stretch your legs and jumping into a puddle.

heat water, put tea, a few drops of anise limóny a plug, type Jules Verne and watch that tells Internet from his tomb.

Read it and write it down in my diary.

leave a large gap between

By I search for my first piece of furniture, by changing my life and the shift to be MIA today.

The French accent is really sweet and adorable pronounced in his way of pronouncing the R



As I awake from my reverie to hear the crowd noise growing louder, with more traction as more people baja a bus parked in front of me, instead of the opinion that they are entering a cemetery seems as noisy as a popular party.

I continue writing.

drops on the glass of a bus full of people with lives of their own and do not belong to them, all their belongings and their problems, neither trivial to their own eyes, just different from my logic. Pushing tea, turn off the laptop, close my book, leave covered and the plate in the sink, take the backpack and saltgo through the door between the voices of people I camouflage and join the mass-errant. arrive and put the hood me, which leaves me just by looking at a cushion Address and steps of people to which they are lying at his feet and did not want to raise now would be scared too , an, not even looking at them through, nerves and fear of arriving at the great tomb, so focused inside the hood of my sweatshirt with the vision in the eyes of an amazing sculpture, want to have a machine that can capture feelings and the picture of how you see things the same, to keep in a secret pocket inside my skin and to remove when you want and

A shadow appears out of nowhere, has a white flower in his picture of black clothes, walk safely and determined, perhaps more than I do in a common direction the same point and destination.


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