Friday, December 24, 2010

Wedding Letter To Guests Merry X-Mas Christmas gift ...

I have to say that since I went to L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel is presented in the special Christmas Music Station program was no more of happiness .. As I was waiting eternaaaaaaa! but I get the nice day.

As we have a time difference with Japan (I'm from Chile) while they would see at 19:00 hrs, I would have q see at 7:00 in the morning of 24.
But every sacrifice was worth it (I shorten to 2 am and I woke up at 6:45 for them xD) ... I dislike seeing the same groups ... but I laughed at the comments of twitter or facebook they had at that time and frothing.

think the only thing you could put as black spot is the keyhole ... is thatwe were all glued to view the presentation, but we are all forgetting that has a limit and beyond, many were left without seeing him or were so desperate to be disconnected AlgueƱa to occupy that place (at that was I haha!) but when he opened a small window to view the USTREAM ... bad bad bad ... channel block making us (and in any case looked much better than keyhole) ... so denuevo all the keyhole and turned to stop, ill upload, just listen for a moment and no image ... etc. was funny to see commercials or advertisements they looked great, but the program itself .. it was not.

so many things ... and finally it was time! KEYHOLE MY WINDOW was paralyzed and could only listen! and listen*-* cute name that

L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel ...

there I dont like crazy because I could not see anything and just listened to the voice of Hyde .. restart it and could not connect another look .. I would put to mourn ... even when you connect and listen to the beginning of Fall Winter * 0 * ~ ~ hyde perfect voice ... I did not think it was so, as in other times had just tune in that song at first, but this occasion was not altogether so ... I went as a group of beautiful and followed with Lueder READY STEADY GO! . CHTMLX


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