Monday, June 29, 2009

Pokemon Emulator For Wm Sound Ideas fund

Since childhood I knew that made me happy.

I try to cross the two sides cut on a wooden bridge where you walk barefoot in summer moisture dried in the fall moved around your skin in winter I showered, I took away the tears and part of spring reborn my smile. Same
wet footprints from the river bottom we looked at the soles of the feet, reading the rows of our tracks. Like rings of a tree trunk, each fingerprint inn and decorated with concentric spirals, q mindue the time part of each forward and rewind.
When there were few traces deaf steps rattling stop me ... let me bring back a few strips of high beams on water and stop. Under my

; fish with their mouths open, screaming as their fins hit the water and could not hear well what they said, all sounded a distorted message that seemed not to me, tune your ears and my ears pege timber you can hear every crack of this, as when the palms of your hands covers your ears and hear the sound of your body, from your elbows to your fingertips, as if it were dry oil hinges something old, almost nobody listens Inside, I did not. Fish ca

Udos your senses feelings, do not sit on the couch thinking he did not wait and you feel you have waited and get what you do not, pull out all of the good and learn and learn to say good .

ubilical To cut the cord of my life on a bridge with tidal waves and tsunamis that I belonged, as there are fish with wings and fish without them, these fish are distinguished by believing in Utopia and other live within it shouting Eureka , found the secret formula for happiness, this is personal and not transferable, can only be used once, then burn in our souls giving rivers of getting skew syllable strings and wood burning never to return to the other thedo and smile from the shore.

The feeling is that now I do get to the grave.

* I have alguan qeu make reference to the form that has a written plan
waves * Nt
Lack for looking and all that

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Knoll Light Factory Pro Blog

The view from the top of the cemetery offers varied views of the same environment where feelings are surfacing farther qeu skin, loneliness is accompanied by stifled sobs.

People walking, as if attracted to magnets are known or newly discovered tombs for their minds, talking to tombstones for just hear his cold response of carved marble, heavy slabs where their prisoners no force or to blow a tab , where the land is given what it is. Succumbing

sometimes things as simple as letting go, to the river and cave hollow hearing, what they happened so & about girls; aron in life and never lived.

unknown distance of breaking the distance between them, where the rules of the cemetery are those that dictate how you will be fired, implacable judge friend of death.

the distance, within the prying eyes, a woman mourns the death of a lost, next to a pompous bands competition of branches with written and tears running out of the body, including wet and sleeves clinex handkerchief.

Death and his friends make fun of all and each of them, or received between either good or bad and those who carry on their shoulders for evil they did in life. Dyspnea

situation. Dada
time. CHTMLExpressionist XC paradox.

Out of sight of all, I think what is now clothed in the chimera. Alma
green pen
ductile fall of a raven black and white, winding breath, eyes invisible, eternal flutter more than infinity. Blue Soul petal
cozy, velvety touch of vehemence pure spores.

A mirror is broken under them as drops.

eyes look into his eyes.
A color changing, according to look at the light, with small black ahujeros to form subpupil, eyes that look more to come in multiple ways. The other the most beautiful solitude within himself, a big, bright flashing ahujero bertederor of the universe, the eye of a hurricane within a storm approaching peace.

was stunned silence to sound, but the opposite of silence pleasure when her lips touched, it sounded bottom two on unison melodies.

A new term. (Qeu word very few people know what really means qeu, C3% A9rmino & source = RAE).

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How To Open Kiwi Shoe Polish

The fire is a curious, is striking out, beautiful but destructive and painful on the inside, it's like persoanas, with some you've got to burn to discover the truth

She has a particular way decorate, decorate almost obsessively what starts and wants to finish to capture the essence of the moment before qeu live in memory.
For the first time the journal is not written by who always carved with letters in white sheets.
was hit in the eyes, in front of his glasses, but without writing a musical score with lyrics and this time its esistance hummed, placed vertically with horizontal parallel lines, the visual score sheet this, where words are alOcado like birds, birds of your mind, white and black, the sisters hit qeu ceurvos left with doves on power lines power lines, launched in wooden stick, pole, pole, each word a different bird, a bird perches at different heights, to imply so, the sentences can not be heard, only when you are read, nothing more than time with your voice resonate.

The newspaper did not offer the least resistance and extremece before his new shaper, who never spoke about not being heard, she kept the words that people throw, such as trash on the street.
Ella: The ironic metaphor of Diogenes, a disease that is not so bad when you save words.

Now take out the trashs in others, so they make love in me and I can sleep peacefully, I clarify things in my head and walked slowly step by step, but this week is tough to crack by surprise akin. It's like a cheese, which is something hard ... but I'm biting my jaw hurts, but I learned a lot this week:

That the hosts are embedded in

cheeks blush the cheeks when the flushing occurs without being controlled, like a heat wave where wheat in summer makes me relax my eyes and see how
the cheeks can bend and see a row of teeth, laughing and taunting

one's cheeks can kiss from within and wasra, want a little more to ourselves

the longest distance that separates the mouth of the ear, cheek
can pave it so hard not to hear, the voice inside
pass among these mountains,
arrive more than an echo without distorting

the cheeks when they relax a smile appears that is different from above laughter

the tears well watered this land leaving it soft and salty

the cheeks are forgotten and they say both of our self to the world

people spend time on are
our tempo and areis compared with the time, desire
proper time to do things and fill the cheeks with air,
swell like a puffer fish and its thorns are apathetic and idiopathic buffffff

that mimic cheeks the sound of a fart and it's funny to my other self
his ego

without cheek thing and I'm more nothing less

my cheeks heat can also find much to support the alien in their own, in our, or a heart housed within a breast, so long ago that ... they do not even remember the heat, almost.
which gave me a cold step gleaning and electrical muscle tension, whereMLXC Now my cheeks full of coffee and smoke, circling in the air and if I look at the angle that always look to do two two infinity, infinity, infinite space with a proper purpose.

Mímalas caressing them with your towel ... and relax with a: - In it's true! -

How are your cheeks today?

also draw geometric figures is what is determined to write only his pen, even flat geometric shapes, but large or many small ones, the pen does not flex and wants to be the vertex dvintage buttons sewn black and jet black, wicked mouth smiling, you can hit all you want, never changes his face, a sad smile on his hands the jar of Pandora's grandmother.

Today will be open this time to absorb, it feels boring to be empty, because people who live within it the whole placed, the mime and RECEIVE prepare for their children, is bored to be hollow and empty, is waiting that the reason the war is over and their parties back to rest, hoping to mature and learn, they both are looking to fill their children in the graves of their beloved dead. Old age is now fighting not completed, the disease is already sick of the enermedadbe happy with their nightmares, is already tired and now it out to her, but afraid of being tainted and not heard.

The liner right now is left to turn to dominate the taste of their way to draw words.

Imagine you imagine for a second and imagine imagine more, not knowing where imaginacióny ends where it starts.
imagine is so difficult to imagine is so easy, you only think and imagine is everything. Imagine

now be able to see into the imagination, see a picture, an old photo you can imagine fromnbsp; Imagine ...


start tambiéna sound to the room, imagine that it is your room, you can come and go as you please, see you laugh and mourn, imagine finally being able to rest in your room still yours.

Imagine now the touch of your room, imagine the temperature inside and imagine

War was taken by Victor Jorgensen at Times Square on August 14, 1945. In this picture you can see a U.S. Navy soldier passionately kissing a nurse. Contrary to common belief, these two characters were not a couple, but that they were strangers who had met there. The photograph, an icon, is considered a passion excitacióny analogy that means returning home after spending a long time out, as well as the joy experienced at the end of war.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Myths For Itchy Tip Of Nose The tomb: Crickets guardians

caravan Neither knows how to end the conversation at this point, I really do not know even half of the time, nor even know where are traveling exactly.

Guided by the two that give to drink gasoline and entertain him constantly.

Him and Her.

Taking her to different places, hardly walk or roll.

But these things happen, and are the things that make you like the stickers, stickers licked by the heat of daylight.

heat called Luz Lorenzo.

brightly colored stickers dry, discoloredbe either openly, aged prematurely, closest to being detached, which long have stuck.

are marked these things in a subtle way how are you stickers, resting on the gas cap politely, is a huge smile.

Within who will quench the thirst go another time. CHLXC

"I feel like my home mailbox is not created .- silent, but the explosion of thousands of words quiet and only a few showers to be said. Creating sentences without commas or full stop, Full of things that I do not care, much or little I do not care too much, but I have to collect and enforce, to continue not giving too much importance, and thus leave a hole ... - a trivial threat of silence, as trivial as the echo of the dull echo of the absence of words - El Hueco, the time is filled with things, things that if I care, "without the word silent remarks as if one and paragraph"Do you they were not to open it and remove it from the inside will disappear ..." smiles imitating mocking irony, is loaded with truth, like a bullet in your neck-swallowing is better little by little, choking all at once, because then you'll want to build a machine that can duplicarte, to do everything you can imagine and create in your mind ... - now the voice becomes agonizing jesters, the tragicomedy - even building it, I'm of that type of person who prefers not to sell and filthy rich, and if you try it for yourself, it says in the same tone, but seems to scream with your own voice and looks like a normal voice disguised whisper - not using it .- without continuous premise.

"It's like being granted three wishes, who would they be?

Her shoulders rise to stick to your ears, as if to an absurd way to listen them to their ears, then relax and in turn has started talking.

CHTMLest, that is fulfilled? .- He always disturbs everything mind tries to sort - rather, the eternal gods of infinity, with nothing more and nothing less than timeless wisdom .-

caravan knows for sure, that after a while, write in your journal, do not know how much time passed.

Solo is a time for a caravan.

is a curious time, such as rats and cats together, almost never agree among themselves ...

But this time she asks.

CHTMLXones body by licking the glue of the paper.

asking "If wishes - she says as she stirs her hair with face sweetness.

"Interesting, very interesting .-

Cdifferent pray at a place called earth -.

- How can you tell me anything? - His tone seems cool in the heat of their emotions.

"If nothing plain and simple - this looks like becoming a spliffnail, she looks at him and says, "you do not know how but I always give it as a nail - the answer-just as you passed me is because I am that, the fingernail scratch your mind and your little box of beats that are so so, I try to continually "He sticks his tongue out of his mouth dropping, no resistance to gravity.

passes spliff I keep the air inside your body and noticing how your face is relaxed while up to prepare dinner. CHT

He takes a knife and begins to chop the mushrooms, mix cream cheese with their land, Cabrales says his name, throws it all in a pan with a large shhhhhhhhhh

- See? my food I said shhhh, jajajjajaja I think that means that this caravan is waiting for you like I will try to surprise me cates between food odors, I hope you amazed me to hear and see your movie - It automatically lifts his lips posing behind the ear of this and letting her fingers pose theVantas the feet of the floor and your knees toward separate notebook.

The caravan was filled with the light of a sun that is going to sleep, the smell of weed that grows everywhere, the caresses of a quiet moment, the taste of food and the sound of the keys looking for what they want to be heard, they want to hear.

ore is to your question: because they could also put the Av channel that ran on the channel, I mean, if your decals on Av and 1 put the AV1 and so on, instead of having to trace each time for each Av -

Movie tekonkekreet, black and white, Minotaur and blood as Japan, the dream of change, ga