Monday, April 27, 2009

Grandmother's Wedding Rings IMAGINE IMAGINE

Imagine now be able to see into the imagination, see a picture, an old photo you can imagine for some time, photo of yourself and your own photo, imagination consumed in your mind.

Imagine the colors, the palette of your alegríay your hardship, imagine them together and see a new color, imagine covering painting that picture which is not so beautiful and it is not so ugly. CHT


Imagine now a little more, imagine that the picture is no picture and the dimension n Flat win volume and with your hand and your fingers paint.

; Imagine ...

Imagine also begin to sound , na that room, imagine that it is your room, you can come and go as you please, see you laugh and mourn, imagine finally being able to rest in your room still yours.



Imagine now the touch of your room, imagine the temperature, imagine within it and outside.

Imagine opening their windows and imagine a cool air, which is appreciated both in fart moments and times defeatist, just imagine ...

& n


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