prepared the chute quickly, in a ritual performed almost unconsciously, with the ability of a fox sticking his teeth into the jugular of its unsuspecting prey. Dropper filled with bubbling placebo, curled a thick paste and worn around the arm and pushed the stick starving slowly, savoring the height of the ritual. Red and white are mixed in a vicious embrace, imbued with a passion corrosive fascinating latent evil that can only portend a tragic end.
pushed to absorb the last drop, and rested peloss in the kiss that made her float and bleed at the same time.
"You done it again. You're pathetic.
"Get out, bitch.
"You have made me come. You made me come because you feel alone, because you're only a wreck lying in the corner full of shit like you.
"This ... is my throne. Only me.
"Do not make me laugh ... your throne? A trash throne for a king without subjects. A court of lice that just want your dirty blood. You could not expect otherwise.
I do not need anyone. I do not need.
- Do you really want me to go? You can not fool yourself and you voice trembles. Look, You disgust. "Creis that somebody needs to you? You need to believe you because you have no self to anyone.
"But I have a story ... I who write.
-A story of princes and princesses junkies whores. A story that does not interest anyone. And even you who guide your hand.
A story in which the rulers only want the horse he rode in his veins, where the prostitute princess with a kiss of love poisoned, tainted by his own lust. A history of kings without kingdoms to conquer, wandering among the vast corridors crestfallen ruined castles devoured by ivy. Salty river of tears, sulfur-breathing dragon wet because they forgot what es fire. A barbed wire guards the blonde locks of all the good girls, uprooted by curiosity. Weep for your gold, now it's just dirty and disheveled esparto. Surrender tears to your insatiable demon that devoured your innocence, but now you are their slaves.
Poor junkie, who slashed his wrists trying to collect the broken glass of a dream. And sleep, perhaps forever, in a lie that will not cause nightmares.
Who cares?
There lies much nicer.
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